Products Made In Korea If A Product Is Made In Korea Or Japan, May I Make The Same Idea But In America?

If a product is made in Korea or Japan, may I make the same idea but in America? - products made in korea

Please do not tell me to hire an attorney or look in a patent office. This is apparently what is Yahoo Answers.


ed said...

Goods in the United States is imported, probably patented in the United States.
Therefore, one can in the United States that do not produce and sell the same position in the United States.

If a product is not patented in a particular country, this product can be produced there and sold it. You can not sell in any country where it is patented.

To protect everyone's rights, a product must be patented in all countries. An expensive process.

No country is obliged to recognize a single patent in another country.

If the product was not patented in the United States, the answer is yes, you can create and sell here.
You should patent rights of product in the United States or the risk of costly processes.

Yahoo can not reply to a question of patent protection. This requires a lot of research for each product. An attorney for fees over $ 7000.00 to do this in several countries.

We can see some research on the Internet, but can not find products or patents.

henry m said...

In the economy, or where the money is to be achieved, if possible,

to steal an idea to do it in the rule.

If the idea can be improved with a clear conscience

then try.

John S said...

I hate to disappoint you, but only if they do not break copyrights or patents.

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