Apartments To Rent In Spain Are Guadi's Apartments In Barcelona Spain Just For Show Or Can You Really Rent Them Out?

Are Guadi's apartments in Barcelona Spain just for show or can you really rent them out? - apartments to rent in spain

And if you really their rooms, so the mosaic of how much they cost? Rent


mary said...

Casa Mila, a real apartment building with residential apartments as a museum set up. All others are the intellectual property, and no one sells, are sent to the parents, and extremely valuable.

Casa Batlló, I believe, is privately owned, but a museum. I did not tour, so that I could not tell when something is closed for a private residence, but was built as a residence.

Park Guell is a park, but there are some houses in ... I think they are private. Who was the attendance. Building colorful mosaic at the entrance of the park is small enough, and I think that corresponds to the Office of the House guards ... People who work there.

Besides these two, and the Casa Mila, not Mosaic ... are different things. The mosaics are often bank that goes round the terrace in the park, and the sculptures in the park

Peter W said...


Correct answer below. None of the houses Gaudi's apartments are to rent, if what you asked, but as an answer mentioned below, it leaves many flats and houses Gaudi (Casa Vicens) private and as private residences. You can find more information about Gaudi and his works in Barcelona can be found here

Greetings from Barcelona

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