Life Fitness Machines Does Anyone Know A Fitness Program That Works?

Does anyone know a fitness program that works? - life fitness machines

I want a fitness program that I am in the best shape of my life. I am looking for something with good results. I do not care if the program or cost money for free, if you ask me about it. I go to a gym, so if you machines that need exercise is very good.

Thanks in advance!


chanjohn... said...

We are in the same boat, my friend.

I am in a program of weight gain and this is my situation and my training.

I'm 5'8 and 125 pounds, which I wrote 2 weeks. I am now 140 pounds.

That's what I do.
I eat 4 meals per day down. Food must not be large. You may have one or two meals with only 2 slices whole wheat bread with fat peanut butter.
The other two only by salmon with rice or grilled chicken with mashed potatoes (I had tonight, lamb)

3 winners of body weight per day reduces any mixture with at least 16 grams of milk fat. You drink when you wake up, immediately after training, and just before bedtime. the brand i with my coach who admitted their fat / carb ratio protein BSN True-Mass

1 glutamine / creatine before training mixed with water. of his power and has to be able to lift more weight than you continue. They are completely safe and has no connection with steroids. I did my research and if you have doubts, you can create your own, just to be safe.

Drink lots of water coz, for the repair of cells and the channel protein in cells

Exercise: Not just dumbbells! I bench press, dead weight, squats with weights that offer a whole body movement to the maximum amount of training. I suggest that this book has given me my trainer. Titled "From Violence." You will also receive a workout, having received the basics of this book, because you really the right attitude to be taken into account. I, 6 days a week. You do not have this end. usually 4-5 days is sufficient.

Cardio: I swim 20 minutes a day and not much. DONT cardio too, if you gain weight. 10 minutes on a treadmill is more than enough.

Anyway, I'm on my way to 160 pounds at the end of this month, and I am never so well. I'm broke, and I have a little fat on me. You can do it all!

chanjohn... said...

We are in the same boat, my friend.

I am in a program of weight gain and this is my situation and my training.

I'm 5'8 and 125 pounds, which I wrote 2 weeks. I am now 140 pounds.

That's what I do.
I eat 4 meals per day down. Food must not be large. You may have one or two meals with only 2 slices whole wheat bread with fat peanut butter.
The other two only by salmon with rice or grilled chicken with mashed potatoes (I had tonight, lamb)

3 winners of body weight per day reduces any mixture with at least 16 grams of milk fat. You drink when you wake up, immediately after training, and just before bedtime. the brand i with my coach who admitted their fat / carb ratio protein BSN True-Mass

1 glutamine / creatine before training mixed with water. of his power and has to be able to lift more weight than you continue. They are completely safe and has no connection with steroids. I did my research and if you have doubts, you can create your own, just to be safe.

Drink lots of water coz, for the repair of cells and the channel protein in cells

Exercise: Not just dumbbells! I bench press, dead weight, squats with weights that offer a whole body movement to the maximum amount of training. I suggest that this book has given me my trainer. Titled "From Violence." You will also receive a workout, having received the basics of this book, because you really the right attitude to be taken into account. I, 6 days a week. You do not have this end. usually 4-5 days is sufficient.

Cardio: I swim 20 minutes a day and not much. DONT cardio too, if you gain weight. 10 minutes on a treadmill is more than enough.

Anyway, I'm on my way to 160 pounds at the end of this month, and I am never so well. I'm broke, and I have a little fat on me. You can do it all!

megs1bq said...

To get in great cardiovascular shape and a little muscle, I recommend that the Council for the system of life. Basically, it's super high-impact cardio combined with strength training. You can choose how you want to do the heart, it's easier if you connect using a computer as a mill or elliptical. It is a big commitment, but he gives his ass in great shape fast. Council Google "for life" and a series of programs. I bought a book and follow the on there. You can also use the body of living allowances, but I would not recommend it.

Instead, invest in protein powder (GNC). is absolutely necessary, a protein supplement if you are lifting and the desire to use to muscle growth. There are tons of different kinds, I use a version fairly low in calories, b / c I'm looking for the tone and not build large amounts of muscle ... there are others who can contribute to weight gain as well. CNG People are happy to help with that. For your information: These products are not cheap. They start at about $ 30 for a bathroom is quite small.

Good luck!

channill... said...

If the member of the gym, get personal training sessions twice a week .. Speak with your coach exactly what results you are after and can have a dedicated training and nutrition plan to write .. and the motivation to maintain and track your progress ..

Good luck!

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