Does D&c Remove Fibroids Remove Fiboids Or Hysterectomy?

Remove fiboids or Hysterectomy? - does d&c remove fibroids

I have 2 fibroids size of grapefruits. I had abnormal bleeding last two months. My gynecologist has me on Provera to stop the bleeding. You may need to D / C, disappearing bleedng. really need advice removing fibroids or a total hyst. the pain of fibroids, sometimes with sex. Total Hyst effect my sex life. Can fibroids removed or returned. very concerned and want the best for my health


lisa_son... said...

If it were me I would remove the fibroids and to avoid hysterectomy.
I want to do this first and see how it works. There is always a possibility of a return, but it is not cheap by any means.
Yes, for a total hysterectomy is their sex life in a big way and I know from experience that it was one and now I want to .. You have to take hormones to stay healthy and avoid hot flashes and vaginal dryness and even hormone replacement therapy does not give things as they were.

Cassandra M said...

You should think about your concerns with your doctor! You also have thought about joining a support group?

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