Counseling Psychology Phd Programs My Chances Of Admission To A PhD Program In Counseling Psychology?

My chances of admission to a PhD program in Counseling Psychology? - counseling psychology phd programs

I'm transsexual. I am with the formation of a doctorate in clinical psychology when I done with my Master's interested. But my BA and MA in various fields. Your degree is in Human Resource Management and my Masters in Higher Education - Alumni. I was curious, what are my chances of entering Counseling Psych PhD program, so that I can work with trans people. I know it depends on the program, but I try only to get himself an overview. I am a very good student with a decent average of 3.40 GPA for Bachelor's and Master's Degree from 4.0 so far. My GRE score was not very good ... I have a 810 (I know) when I took the last year of college. However ... The advantage is that I have a 4.5 on the writing part. What do you think? Any advice would be great!


Anonymous said...

Or prepare human resources to a PhD or Ed Psych, unless you are at least equivalent to courses Psych least a bachelor's degree in this field. This is particularly true for counseling or clinical psych PhD programs, which are the most competitive of all.

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