Beginner Ice Skater Questions About A Beginner Ice-skater?
Questions about a beginner ice-skater? - beginner ice skater
My daughter is 6 and a half years and began teaching skating last week. Previously she was on the ice once, when she was 3rd My daughter is very small for her age and shy. When she began the lesson is hard on the back and she's really afraid of anything. I tried it in practice today and spent some time to get this film, rather than on foot.
Here are my questions. He deserves a little.
1. If my daughter shows no immediate natural talent, what are the chances that it begins to develop a talent over the next 11 weeks so as not to be discouraged?
2. What I want from a child, expect only on the ice twice?
3. What are the tactics you can use to help you develop your skills?
4. How long shOuld have before deciding whether we continue to wait with this?
5. I have the intention to buy their own skates, the way to go, but we are on a tight budget and have to order online. Suggestions? (Skate rental of damage)
Skating competition for many years is what I can tell you my experiences ...
- Not force your child to enjoy ... During my many years I have seen many parents push their children to the place where the kids sure are afraid to go on the track and leave at the end of
- Every child is different, but I suppose you know in a few months or less if your child has a natural talent ... but really it should be a coach, the judge ruled that
- Not much of someone who only on the ice once or twice, wait ... Skating can be a scary thing for small children ... I have been for many years, beginners and children have been terrorized for several reasons
- Assistance in developing your skills ... again, not push / pressure from her, going its fun, it isPublic ice skating with the family, see skating on TV, maybe a few private
- You do not know how long (how many weeks) of the session, but can see to the end of the session, or a few months, as she knows, wait
- If you love and can not be the best skater ... not deter him / her
- It's probably best to ask a coach who skates are best for your child. I agree with the upper end of the line (also known as the face to know lol) ... Marks are not beginner skates
Hope this helps!
Now, figure skating takes years and years to develop. I personally am not the pile of people who think a child should be placed on the ice the day, they begin to run. On one side of the human body is not designed to remove land triple to 10 years (unless you already know a good doctor to start a hip replacement in children perform) and the second a large number of children, the sick and tired of skating, and finally closed.
In a second note, I sucked big skating as a child. How, really, really sucked. I started the sport when he almost 15 and I'm pretty good at it, despite what I experienced. Probably I am passionate in skating that begin most Säteri early.
Take your shoes and perhaps with him whenYou can. Note that if money is an issue, perhaps after all that skating is not a good idea. A good pair of shoes cost about $ 400, and because they buy a child new shoes, it is very often. Costumes cost approximately $ 100, court costs, travel, training, etc.. It is an expensive sport. If you have problems paying a pair of skates, it is better to leave quickly, before it really passionate about it, and you can not pay for it.
If I were a parent, I want my child to different sports such as tennis or martial arts (try to), especially martial arts, self defense can know it very well. I hated and feared dead in the swimming and even hatred. It is useless to do pressure on a child something, they use hate because they simply do not likemore. However, it is good that you get your child in sports and exercise at an early age.
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